
Words and Emotions Create Intention and Vibration

The simple fact of the matter is that we do not need words to pray.  We need intention.  So why do we use words at all?  Do words serve a purpose?  Does our Creator need them to understand the intention of our hearts?  Surely we don’t need to explain love, compassion, and gratitude to a universe that created and is based upon these virtues.  We also need not explain frustrations, worries, and fears.  The Creator knows what’s in our hearts even before we decide to pray.  Which seems to imply to me that simply living our lives is a prayer in and of itself!  So if that is true, why even bother taking time out of our day to pray at all?  That seems a little redundant and frankly, a complete waste of time!

So what’s the point?  I feel that words are quite important.  They give our thoughts and our intentions substance.  I think it works in the same way our physical bodies give our ethereal bodies a more concrete existence in this world, much like an anchoring point.  Otherwise it is possible to lose yourself completely to your emotions.  On the flip side, you can be too cerebral if you lose yourself in thought.

Personal experience has shown me that a balance between thought and emotion is key to a satisfying prayer.  I think this is because the combination of the two act synergistically to enhance the effect of the other.  It’s like the most beautiful dance you have ever seen!

You have the lead (classically represented by a male) and you have the follower (classically represented by a female).  The lead is quite cerebral because he will create the mental and physical space and decide what steps to take and how to guide the follower in a way that she can best express herself.  Too much of the leader will make for a boring and somewhat cold dance.

The follower has all this wonderful emotion and desire for expression of the heart!  However without the proper guidance and planning, her movements might seem uncoordinated and kind of all over the place even though she has this need to express what’s in her heart.

Combining the qualities and strengths of both roles will reveal beautiful expression and seamless movement with grace that inspires our minds and warms our hearts!

In my opinion, the same can be said of prayer. And for that matter, the same can be said for any type of energy work.

The combined effort of the mind with the heart creates intention.

The mind creates the thought that says, “I am whole”.  The heart charges that thought with the emotion of gratitude to create the intention, “I am grateful to feel whole”.

I feel I need to help develop an alternate understanding of what “intention” means here.  Most people think that if someone intends to do something, there is an implied action to achieve a goal.  The trick here is to recognize that if you intend to get or do something, you imply that you do not have it.

For example, “I am going to be whole” implies you are not yet whole as you currently are.  You unconsciously created an ultimatum that states, “I will not allow myself to feel grateful until I get what I want.”  So your heart will withhold gratitude and instead charge that thought process with a different emotion such as frustration, fear, or anger if you do not “get” what you are seeking.

Therefore you must always be mindful of the words you choose.  I know that my words will mix with my emotions.  The two will create my intentions for better or for worse.

So why did I start this article by stating that I don’t think words are required?  Because while I know that I have not practiced enough myself, I have seen others that no longer have need for words as an anchor.  They still use words when they see fit.  However they have become so graceful and fluid with their practice that they seem to ground themselves only on the rare occasion.

So how do I practice?  I combine prayer with energy work.

When I breathe in, I imagine that I am anchored to the center of the Earth and draw up the Earth’s energy through the center of my body and slightly above my head (a common technique energy practitioners may choose to employ).  This will also fuel my chakras from the bottom-up.  When I breathe out, I imagine myself drawing upon the Universal energy and charging my chakras from the top-down.

Where does prayer fit into this breath work?  Well we need to take a breath in order to speak while breathing out.  So we take in Earth energy (and air into our lungs) and then exhale our words with Universal/Divine energy.  This anchors our words with guidance and charges them with the Universal/Divine energy.  Together, I feel they create the right intention in the words I speak.

Our whole lives can be this energetic intention with enough mindful practice.

This idea might not be feasible at first with our hectic lives.  But we can start somewhere and watch how it envelopes every aspect of our lives.

I’d like to hear your thoughts and expand on my own.  So please leave comments down below and I will do my best to respond.

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