What Goes Beyond Medical Understanding

Have you ever wondered how medical technology has advanced so far and yet humanity has not cured the common cold?  Do you wonder if all the prayers you offer are being heard?  Do you know somebody, or have you heard about somebody, that was “miraculously” cured from a terrible disease?

These questions arise because we are human beings.  As humans, we intrinsically know that there is something MORE to this world than meets the eye.  What does this mean?  There is something that goes beyond what our 5 senses can perceive.  And because we intuitively know of this underlying existence, we seek out multiple mediums that help guide us to this universal truth of being.

We look for this via the myriad religions of this world.  We also look to energy healers.  There are spiritualists, shamans, medicine men, yogis, and many more enlightened beings that allow us to reach an understanding of our own role in this cosmic universe.  And how we relate to others as one.

I have come to realize that I don’t know much, if anything at all!  I went to medical school thinking I will learn all there is to know about medicine.  Why?  Because I wanted to “cure” my brother.  As I grew older, my intention was to simply understand my brother better and accept him for who he is; A person deserving of all my love and affection.  I cannot love someone purely without simply accepting that person where they are in life.  (This does not mean a person must be loved without helping them achieve the best version of themselves.  But that is another topic of discussion for another time.)

I can know what labs to run, what tests to order, get the right scans to peer into someone’s body.  I can arrive at the right diagnosis, provide the right treatment, and follow the treatment plan flawlessly.  Most people are happy with that style of medicine because they live to see another day.  But what about the people that don’t?  These are the people that make me wonder if there is something above and beyond what we can do for them on the physical level.  I also wonder if we can live more vibrant lives with less need of medical intervention.

I want to know if I can do something for people on a metaphysical level as well; to explore a person’s energy.  I’m not talking about nutrition.  Or ATP production in mitochondria.  I’m not talking about glycolysis, the kreb’s cycle, or oxygen pairing with electrons at the end of the electron transport chain.  I am referring to a person’s energetic being.

This energetic being is above the physical plane of existence (hence it is META-physical).  I want to understand what this energy is and how it relates to a person’s well-being.  There are already many systems of energetic medicine out there such as Ayurveda and Traditional Chinese Medicine.  And while Western medicine is VERY good at understanding the Newtonian physics of our anatomy and physiology, I want to go deeper and higher!  I want to explore the healing properties of acupuncture/acupressure.  Or understand the benefits of Tai Chi/Qi Gong.  I want to delve into the doshas, chakras, and kundalini.  And I want to expand my appreciation for prayer and meditation.  I seek their ability to encourage healing in the sick.

Each of these methods have reported benefits and encouraged healing on various levels of a person’s existence.   Therefore I feel it is my responsibility to pursue knowledge in these areas if I am to give my patients the absolute best care I can offer!  I have categorized each of these styles of medicine and healing under the general umbrella of “Vibrational Medicine” as of this writing.  This is because my little knowledge tells me that they all affect our energetic body.  And our energetic body vibrates with its light derived from the cosmos.  These alternative medical methods simply manipulate our vibrations to be more in tune with our bodies if there are blockages (in my mind, it’s like tuning a musical instrument).

I invite you to explore this fascinating part of our world with me!  However please be aware that you should ALWAYS explore these modalities under the guidance and supervision of your healthcare provider.

That said, please let me know if there are any topics or subjects you’d like me to cover.

I wish you well!

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