Natural Health

The Beginner’s Guide to Natural Health

You’re at a restaurant enjoying a wonderful meal with friends and family!  A few hours later, a wave of nausea overcomes your core and you run to the bathroom!  Chance seems to decide whether or not you make it there in time.  However one thing seems certain, you ate something that did NOT agree with your stomach.  We have all likely had this experience and completely understand that our stomachs do not always agree with our tongues’ enthusiasm of food.  But we listen to our bodies and realize that while we enjoyed the taste of that particular dish, we NEVER want to experience that hurling sensation again!

We all can relate to this obvious story of tongue versus stomach.  But what if our body is trying to tell us something in a more subtle way?  For example: Why am I in a fog today?  Why do I have loose stool?  Why are my muscles aching?  Why do I feel pain everywhere?  I never had allergies before, why do I have watery eyes and a runny nose this year?

We do things every day that puts unnatural stress on our bodies.  When our bodies speak up, we tend to ignore it and say to ourselves, “That’s just part of life”  Why?  Because we want to continue doing what we want, or do what we need to get done for that deadline.  We need to tune into our body’s language more clearly so we can proactively do things for its health the more natural way.

What is Tuning to Health?

Tuning to Health is all about YOU!  I want this blog to be your guide and clue you in to your body’s functions.  I will do my best to equip you with the skills necessary to tune in to your body and bring about your health in a natural manner.  I will help you learn how to first listen to your body and its signals.  This is possibly the most difficult step since many of us have never been taught how to listen to our bodies.  I, myself, did not have teachers to help me appreciate the inner workings of my body and my mind.  I did eventually learn anatomy and physiology, however many of us do not take these courses.  So awareness of your body’s signals is the first step.  Second, I will help you decipher what these signals are trying to tell you.  Sometimes the symptom seems to come out of nowhere!  Finally, we will figure out the best way to acknowledge your body’s attempt to communicate with you.  Taking the appropriate action to help it feel well will in turn make YOU feel well!  And THAT is the goal!

How to Get Started with Tuning in to Your Body’s Health

Basically, start paying attention to your body!  It is talking to you, so listen up!  Also, consider writing things into a journal.  Your body will tell you a myriad of things, perhaps all at once.  This can be confusing when you first start to pay attention to them!  Writing things down will help you focus on one thing at a time.  So take the time to systematically write down what you notice from head to toe.  We will get into what kind of information to collect and how to organize that journal.  This will make the information easier to read and see patterns.  But for now, simply getting in the habit of journalling will take you a long way.  I am only here to help you along the way or nudge you in a more appropriate direction.  I will do my best to help you appreciate that this endeavor will be largely self-guided, because only you are with your body 24/7 and your body knows what it needs to function at optimum health.

Tips for Success in Tuning to Your Health

  • Be Patient!  This will take time
  • Be Persistent!  If this is the first time you begin to pay attention to your body, you will find yourself frustrated and unsure of what to do.  The road ahead is bumpy.  But with perseverance, you will continue to practice listening to the signals and develop the ability to navigate them with greater ease.
  • Be Discouraged… A Little Bit!  That’s right, I advise you to be SLIGHTLY discouraged.  A premium is placed on encouragement.  However focusing only on encouragement is superficial because you will give up the INSTANT something difficult comes along.  BE AWARE:  This skill will last your entire life time IF you want a life-time of health and harmony with your body.  A little discouragement goes a long way because it makes you question why you even care to listen to your body!  Why can’t I just ignore it and have that chocolate cake!  I’ll get brain fog and feel bad tomorrow, but it will taste absolutely decadent!  I guarantee these thoughts will come into your mind with GREAT force; At first.  You need to get over the beginner’s hump and have good reasons for why you’re pursuing this skill.  I KNOW you can do this because you WANT to be the healthiest version of yourself possible!  PLEASE do not lose sight of that!
  • I promise you will succeed if you DECIDE to succeed.  A “decision” does NOT mean “will-power”.  I can almost guarantee that you will fall off at some point.  Life will be difficult to adjust when you start listening to your body and then go out with friends for cocktails.  In that scene, your will-power may not be so great and you may succumb to social pressures.  But if you DECIDE to succeed, you will understand that cocktail hour might decrease your will-power.  So you may consider opting out of that scene or event and do something that helps you meet your goals instead.  Decide to win, and you will have already WON!

Common Questions/FAQ About Your Health

What is the goal of tuning into your health?

The goal of health is for you to feel powerful in your own body!  The goal of tuning into your health is to make you feel secure in your health for the long-haul.  Years down the road when you grow old and have gray hair, listening to your body will help you age gracefully and hopefully decrease the worry of potentially failing health and the cost of health care.  The best treatment is prevention.  You owe it to yourself to look out for your well-being, regardless of where you are in life.

Is tuning into your body like meditation?

From what I have seen, meditation implies a spiritual connotation.  While they both help you get in touch with your body (and I find meditation VERY helpful), you do not need to meditate to get in tune with your body.  You simply need to focus your mind on the signals your body is trying to convey (random aches, pains, whatever seems “off” to you).  Then think about what your body needs from you in order to take care of yourself.

Why do you think listening to your body matters?

Your body will ALWAYS works towards YOUR BEST INTEREST.  There is ONE caveat.  You have to be willing to listen to it and take action to help it give you the best health and feeling of wellness!

How can reading my body’s signs help with my health?

When was the last time you truly felt like yourself?  That feeling like you’re on top of the world and simply cannot be stopped is absolutely addicting!  That is YOU in your most wonderful state of being!  When you establish the habit of reading your body’s signs,  The goal is to make you feel like YOU!

Can tuning into my body decrease my health care costs?

When you practice tuning into your body, you will notice the way it functions.  Conversely, you will also notice the way it functions when something seems to be off.  Practicing the skills of listening to your body’s functions will alert you to something going wrong sooner and hopefully catch a disease process in its early stages.  So if you go to a doctor sooner, he/she might be able to help you earlier and possibly offer something that can be less expensive.  Preventing the progression of a disease can potentially save your wallet or purse.

Can I replace my doctor by tuning into my health?

NO!  The skills and information conveyed here are NOT meant to replace your doctor.  The information contained in this blog is meant to help you supplement the care your doctor provides.  The expertise of your doctor is tantamount to your well-being.  I will simply emphasize that your health is a mutual effort between yourself and your doctor.

Aren’t there better things I can invest my time in?

You are with your body for your ENTIRE LIFE!  You should take the time to get acquainted with it and how it functions.  The younger, the better!

The Last Thing You Need to Know about Tuning into Your Health

Taking the time to learn your body’s language is absolutely essential to your well-being.  You owe it to yourself to make sure you have the best health possible not only for yourself, but for those around you!  If your health suffers, your loved ones will also feel the effects.  So please take the time to begin learning about yourself.  Tune into it and see what it may be telling you right now.

If you would like to learn more, please visit often.  Please leave a comment and share my blog with others!

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