Muscle testing - 9 Tips

Muscle Testing 9 Tips to Access Your Body’s Inner Wisdom

My Cool Experience!

  • We got to our lunch break and the Doctor I was following called me into an exam room.  I assumed there was a patient to evaluate.  Turns out, I WAS the patient!  He wanted me to experience the phenomenon of muscle testing.  I was very curious when I had witnessed it on other patients and became elated that we finally had the opportunity to educate me on the subject!  The Doctor first explained, “Energy flows up the front of the body from the base.  Then it flows over the head and down the back.”  I thought that this was easy enough to comprehend.  Basically, energy normally flows in a smooth circular motion.  Then he had me lay down on the exam table and asked me to hold my arm up.  I did as instructed.  Then he asked me to take my phone out of my pocket and put it to the side.  I had a quizzical look, but I did as I was told.  He began the exam.
  • He told me to keep my arm strong and resist his pressure.  Then he took the pad of his finger and placed it upon my forehead.  My arm remained sturdy.  With just the twist of his finger, he caused my arm to waiver!  I was shocked!  He then explained that the pad of his finger matches the energy flow going over my forehead.  Therefore my arm remained strong.  But when he placed the BACK of his finger on my forehead, this disrupted my energy flow enough to essentially rob my arm of strength!  I thought this was SO COOL!  Then my mind was blown AGAIN.
  • To drive home the point of energy flow in the body, he tested me again with good energy flow.  I was unwavering yet again.  Then he picked up my phone and said, “This is your phone which has its own power source.  I’m just going to put it on your abdomen.”  Can you guess what happened to my arm?  After that experience, I try to keep my phone out of my pocket whenever possible!

Theory of Muscle Testing

  • Muscle testing is also known as Applied Kinesiology.  Alternative practitioners use muscle testing to diagnose and treat patients.  How?  The theory holds that every being on this planet is surrounded by an electromagnetic field much like the field that surrounds Earth.  Humans have their own field.  Other animals as well as trees and plants have their own field.  Microbes like bacteria, virus, and fungi.  Even inanimate things such as toxins, medicines, water, and cellular phones!
    • When the electromagnetic fields of two beings become enveloped within the other’s field, this may create a disturbance.  From the clinical perspective, this happens when a virus, toxin, or other things enters the human body and disrupts natural energy flow.
  • The second half of the theory recognizes the inner wisdom of the body.  Many speculate as to where this “inner wisdom” comes from, but most people agree that it exists!  AND most agree that it knows what is best for us to thrive.  Therefore listening to it is in our BEST interest!  But how can we listen to something that does not speak English or any other language?  This is where muscle testing can lend us an ear.

Why Learn Muscle Testing?

  • Muscle testing is kind of like training wheels on your first bike.  It will help you begin the process of tuning into your body as a novice.  Tuning in to your body’s greater wisdom will help you identify things such as:
    • Food sensitivities – The different foods that cause your body to mount an immune response.
    • Supplements – Find out if a certain supplement can actually benefit your body rather than believing the advertisements.
      • DISCLAIMER: Please do not muscle test medications from your Doctor!  Medications may not be agreeable to your body.  However your Doctor has made a clinical judgement that the benefit of the medication outweighs the side-effects.  ALWAYS speak with your Doctor when considering a change in your medication regimen.
    • Emotional burdens – Helping to find and clear any previous issues in your life that is causing you illness (This is more advanced from what I’ve seen).
    • Chakra energy – Identifying which chakras are perfectly healthy and which are sub-par.
  • These are just a few examples of the insights that muscle testing can afford us.  I will focus on food sensitivities and supplements in this particular article since that information is easiest to ascertain.

How to Get Started

  • There are a few ways people use to muscle test themselves.  My favorite way is the circle and hook because it gives the clearest signal that I cannot mistake.  You may prefer other methods.  I just prefer this method because I don’t find myself wondering or second-guessing whether there was a “yes” or “no” response.  I will first explain the mechanics here.  Then I will give you practical examples.
    1. Take a moment to clear your mind.  A desire for a certain outcome may skew the results and fool your body into thinking a certain way.  Therefore the BEST results come from an unbiased and clear mind.
    2. Using your strong hand, form a circle with your thumb and index finger.  Much like you are holding a pencil or if you are going to strike a match.  I use my right hand because that’s my dominant hand.
    3. Next, take the index finger of your other hand (in my case, I will use my left index finger) and place it inside the circle from the bottom.  You are basically piercing the circle from the bottom.  You can pull towards the connection between your thumb and index finger to get a feel for the sensation.
    4. Find out what a “Yes” response looks like.  To do this, I simply ask my body, “Please show me a ‘Yes'”.  Then I try to pull my hook through the connection of my thumb and index finger.  My thumb and index finger will stay locked in my personal experience.  So my hook finger is contained in the circle.
      • Your response may be different.  The point is to just test yourself and see how your body responds.
    5. Find out what a “No” response looks like.  I ask my body, “Please show me a ‘No'”.  Then attempt pulling my hook through the connection.  My thumb and index finger will break, allowing my hook finger to get out of the circle.
      • Again, your body may be different.  So see how it responds.

Practical Applications

  • Let’s start with food.  We all LOVE food!  Unfortunately there are many things in our food supply that our bodies do not respond well to.  Start with simple foods.  By this, I mean you should start with foods that do not have a list of ingredients on the back.  So you can get eggs from your refrigerator, vegetables, fruits, nuts, meats, fish whatever you want to test.  To be efficient, you may want to test the most common food allergies.  For example, wheat, gluten, soy, dairy, egg, fish/shellfish, and nuts.  See my article on food sensitivities for more information.
  • Place all these items on a table so that everything is clear and organized.
  • Now you can go through each item one-by-one with your muscle test.
    1. Again, clear your mind and be genuinely curious to see the outcome.
    2. Form the circle with your strong hand, and the hook with your other hand.  Put the hook inside the circle.
    3. Pick the first item you want to test.
    4. Keeping your circle and hook above the item, ask yourself, “Is this food beneficial to my body?”
    5. Pull your finger and see what response you get!
    6. Create 2 categories; One side for “Yes” and the other side for “No”
  • Now you will have the 2 categories of foods separated.  We will leave the “No” side since we know that those foods are simply not beneficial to our bodies for the time being (maybe a “No” will become a “Yes” at another time when our body needs it).
  • Take each item from the “Yes” category of foods and get even more specific.  We will find out How Much our bodies need that food by applying a scale of 1 – 10.
  • 1 will imply that our body does not need it at all!  10 will imply that our body needs it desperately!
    1. Create your circle and hook over each “Yes” food.
    2. Then ask, “How much does my body need this food?  Is it a 1?  Is it a 2?  A 3? …” Continue until you reach the number that causes your hook to break your circle.
    3. If the circle broke at a high number (6 and above), then your body can definitely benefit from the food you tested.
    4. If the circle broke at a lower number (5 and below), then your body can maybe benefit from that food to a lesser degree.
  • Follow the steps above for supplements as well.
  • I find that learning the needs of my body is somehow very satisfying!  It gives me a sense of relief to know that I have the power and the knowledge to give my body the nutrients it desires!  And perhaps more importantly, to keep the bad things out of my body!

Tips for Success in Muscle Testing

  1. Maintain a clear mind.

    • As I stated before, a clear mind removes bias.  Muscle testing yourself for a bag of potato chips that you REALLY REALLY want will give you a positive test because you fooled your body into thinking that this bag of chips will be beneficial.  Therefore you must approach a food item with a clear mind.
  2. Your curiosity and desire to know what is, and is not, beneficial to your body will bring you the BEST results!

    • You must therefore keep an open mind because the results may surprise you!  Your body may respond negatively to something you thought was good for your body.  Conversely, your body may respond positively to something you thought was bad.  Be curious and willing to learn about your body’s desires and needs!  Following its signals will lead you to a more vibrant life!
  3. Do a quick neutral test before starting.

    • Before actually testing for anything, do a neutral test to see if your body is currently responsive.  Form your circle and hook, then simply ask your body to show you what a “Yes” looks like.  Then ask to show you a “No”.  Do this 2 or 3 times so your body realizes that a test is going to begin.  Then you can proceed with the actual test of foods or supplements.
  4. Test a True statement.

    • Just to double-check that your body is responding well, test a true statement.  For example, “My name is ____”.  If you use your correct name, your body should respond with a “Yes”.  If you did NOT use your correct name, your body should respond with “No”.
    • Next, you can test a false statement as implied above with your incorrect name.
  5. Always ask “Yes” or “No” questions.

    • Your body’s inner wisdom certainly has greater vocabulary than a simple yes or no response.  However our test is flawed in that there can only be 2 responses (unless your fingers can start doing Morse Code!  But keep it simple for now).  A “Yes” will indicate strong energy flow (locked muscles) and a “No” indicates disrupted flow (unlocked muscles).  So we must learn to phrase our queries in a Yes/No format.
  6. Start simple.

    • Muscle testing can get complex when people get into emotional aspects of their lives.  But you STILL have to use the Yes/No format!  Start with simple things first such as finding out what foods or supplements are good for your body.  You will gain greater proficiency with time and you will not need the “training wheels” anymore.
  7. Use a muscle that has no ailments.

    • Be sure there is nothing physically wrong with the muscle you are testing.  This includes joints, bones, nerves, skin, or anything that can cause pain during testing.  This may skew the results.
  8. Be hydrated!

    • Our bodies function best when properly hydrated.  You are about to test it.  So you do not want to test a body in sub-optimal conditions.  Therefore, drink your water!
  9. Finally, just relax!

    • You are creating a space for your body to tell you what it truly needs from you.  Trust your intuition and you will find that your body is a wealth of information!

Common Questions/FAQ About Muscle Testing

  • Is muscle testing accurate?

    • There is some evidence attesting to the accuracy of muscle testing.  However there does not seem to be anything concrete.  Despite this apparent lack of evidence, alternative practitioners have used this method to diagnose and treat ailments with considerable success over the years.  Therefore I present this article to you in an effort to give you the means to quickly and easily ascertain simple problems such as food allergies.  However I recommend talking with your Doctor.
  • How does kinesiology work on the body?

    • Kinesiology, aka muscle testing, works at the body’s energetic level.  The test is able to detect disruptions in energy flow.  Much like Acupuncture, Kinesiology recognizes that all organs have a certain energy flow within the body.  So energy will flow smoothly throughout the body and its organs in the natural state.  This is a holistically healthy body.  If there is a disruption, muscle testing can help pinpoint the troubled organ and perhaps the location.
  • Is muscle testing safe?

    • Muscle testing is a non-invasive method to help figure out if the body is out of balance.  If so, an experienced practitioner can help guide your body back to energetic balance.  Additional and more invasive steps may be required.  So please speak with your Doctor or healthcare provider if you feel something is wrong.
  • Can I test for my children?

    • Yes!  You are most likely energetically connected to your children.  You spend so much time with them that you are almost constantly living within each other’s electromagnetic fields!  So you CAN test to see which foods your child may be sensitive to.  Again, start simple and maintain a clear mind.  Phrase your question to address each child individually.
  • Can I find out the winning lotto numbers?

    • Unfortunately not.  Your body’s wisdom is of itself and therefore it knows only what it needs.  The universe is grand and complicated with infinite possibilities.  The lotto is not nearly so infinite, but it is random enough to be unpredictable.  Your body’s main concern is how to make you live the best life you can possibly live!  I think that’s better than knowing the winning numbers.

The Last Thing You Need to Know about Muscle Testing

  • Muscle testing is a safe and non-invasive tool to help determine energy fluctuations in your body.  However you must use your common sense!  If you get a positive muscle test on shellfish (but you KNOW that you react severely to shellfish), then do not convince yourself that eating it will be okay.  You will not be accurate in the beginning of your practice.  So take your results with a grain of salt and speak with your Doctor before making any considerable changes!
  • If you liked this article, please comment and share it with your friends and family! If you have any questions or would like to suggest topics that you would like to read about, please post them in the comments below and I will read them!

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