Vibrational food

Match Your Food to Your Vibration

You are Vibrating.  So is Your Food.

  • Many of us understand that food gives us energy in the form of calories.  Eating food nourishes our physical bodies.  However we must also recognize that food sustains more than we are consciously aware.  Food supports our VITAL bodies as well!  Consuming food feeds not only our physical body, but our metaphysical body!  This is because food naturally has its own physical and vital aspects.  So we need to be cognizant of how food can nourish our whole selves rather than just our physical self.  Processed foods that come in all kinds of packaging or artificially created substances can only support our physical bodies.  And they often cannot do that well in my experience.  The act of processing has reduced or even eliminated the vitality of that food!  In order to support our vital as well as physical bodies, we must eat food with vital energy; we need to find food in its most natural state.

What is Our Vital Body?

  • We all have energetic levels that comprise our bodies.  Our physical body is the most dense of these bodies and interacts with the concrete world around us.  Our vital body is one energy level above our physical body.  The vital body is not as dense and therefore largely invisible to most people.  But it is an important component to our physical body’s health.  Scientists continue to theorize and experiment on how the vital and physical body interacts with one another with some very interesting insights.  The theory that we are vibrational beings with frequency seems to capture my imagination!  Dr. Rife has discovered that a frequency of 62 – 78 MHz is indicative of good health.  While a body with disease begins at 58 MHz and decreases until death begins at 25 MHz.  With so many negative substances in our environment that decrease our vibrational energy, we need to consume whole foods that improve our energetic level and vitality.

How to Get Started with Harmonizing Our Vital Body with Food.

  • Simply put, we must increase wholesome and nutritious foods in our diets while reducing and eliminating processed foods.  This means that spending more time in the produce section and less time in the middle aisles is key to health.  We’ve heard that before!  And this adage still applies!  Because while produce provides our physical bodies with important vitamins and minerals, fresh foods and herbs also vibrate at 20 – 27 MHz.  Processed and canned foods have 0 MHz and therefore provide us with absolutely NO energy for our vital bodies!  We are constantly attempting to balance our frequencies, much like a checkbook.  However this is an ENERGETIC checkbook that must be balanced to 62 – 78 MHz rather than $0.  Therefore we need to load our bank accounts with fresh foods to be healthy!

Tips to Balance Your Energetic Checkbook

  1. Eat Fresh, Stay Fresh!

    • Fresh foods are integral to the well-being of your vital and physical bodies.  Eating fresh foods will keep you fresh by replenishing your body and clearing out toxins.  Processed foods may support your physical body to a limited degree, but may also contribute to toxin build up with no energetic benefit.  Therefore, keeping fresh foods in your diet will help your body run cleanly and unhindered!

  2. Dried is Better than Canned

    • Canned foods may provide nutrition for your physical body.  However these foods are canned with preservatives and other chemical compounds in an attempt to maintain “freshness” and streamline manufacturing efficiency.  I personally opt for dried foods if I plan on storing them for a prolonged time period.  That said, all dried foods are not created equal.  Look out for my post on that soon!
  3. Average Frequency of Health is 62-78 MHz

    • But that is an AVERAGE.  There is a difference from person to person.  There is also a difference from organ to organ.
  4. Tune In to How You Feel with Every Food

    • Wow!  I REALLY regret eating healthy… Said no one EVER!!!  There is a reason for that.  Pay attention to the signals your body is giving you.  If you feel foggy and sluggish after eating something, then your energetic checking account probably took a dive.  If you feel like you are one step closer to taking over the world, then you made a substantial deposit!
  5. Before, During, and After

    • Pay attention to how you feel before, during, and after you eat a certain food.  I can almost guarantee that you will not feel the same.  Hunger and eating is surrounded by a multitude of physiological processes.  In other words, your body is complicated.  For example, you may feel amazing WHILE you are eating fast food.  Then feel terrible after and/or before eating it.  This may indicate a certain level of addiction.  My point is to pay attention to ALL the clues your body gives you!
  6. Balance Your Energetic Checkbook

    • Remember that journal I suggested to keep track of foods that cause sensitivities?  If not, you can find that post here.  You can also use that journal to keep track of what foods revitalize you and what foods cause you to tank!  Keep a record and soon you will have a list of foods that you know are absolutely priceless!  These will add significantly to your energetic account.  And what’s more?  You know EXACTLY what foods cause you to make an energetic withdrawal!  Both lists of foods can be a powerful tool during your next visit to the grocery store!
  7. Be Grateful

    • Being grateful or giving grace is a way you can consciously raise the vibrational energy of your own food!  Expressing gratitude for what you have on your table before putting it in your body will restore some of the vitality lost in its preparation and enhance your sense of well-being.

Common Questions/FAQ About Optimizing Your Energy with Your Food

Where do I begin?

  • Begin within yourself.  That can be a very Zen answer.  But the key I’m trying to convey is that ONLY your body can tell you what foods are good for you.

What are the high frequency foods?

  • These include (but not limited to) things like:
    • Fruits and vegetables
    • Herbal tea
    • Herbs
    • Spices
    • Olive and coconut oils
    • Nuts
    • And Love

What are the low frequency foods?

  • These include (but not limited to) processed things like:
    • Sugar and the different sweeteners
    • Sodas (which are full of sugar or artificial sweeteners)
    • White breads, pastas, and flours
    • Meats, fish, and poultry (because they sacrificed their lives for you.  Be truly grateful for these animals)
    • Canned, packaged, and bottled foods and beverages
    • Different methods of cooking such as frying or microwave
    • Feelings of bitterness or resentment

Who is Dr. Royal Rife?

  • Dr. Rife has created a very intriguing device now known as the Rife Machine.  Basically, this device supposedly finds the vibrational frequencies of different ailments and destroys things such as cancer by the simple use of radio waves.  While intriguing, the device remains unproven.  This leaves a great deal of unanswered questions and speculation.  However it opened the door to view ourselves as energetic beings!

Can I just eat my way back to health?

  • Everyone tells you to talk to your doctor first.  Why?  Your qualified doctor or healthcare provider is an integral part to your health.   Therefore he/she is not just a valuable resource, but a great benefit to you!  You must always talk with your doctor or healthcare provider to make sure that no life-threatening issues are overlooked.  Only then can you proceed with alternative practices confidently.

The Last Thing You Need to Know about Food Vibration

  • Sometimes eating low vibrational foods is unavoidable.  Sometimes you must use low vibrational ingredients, or actually cook foods in a way that reduces their vitality.  Remember that you can restore some of its vitality by simply being grateful towards the food on your plate.  You can be grateful while you purchase the item at the grocery store.  Be grateful while you prepare it in your kitchen.  And be grateful as you ingest your delicious meal.  These all increase the vibration that may have been lost.  This does not mean you can buy a bag of potato chips and expect it to be healthy because you were grateful for it.  But gratitude goes a long way to your food’s well-being and ultimately your own!

  • Questions?  Leave a comment and let me know!  I will do my best to respond to them.  If you like this article, please share it and have a look at my other posts!

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