6 Tips. Break Energy blocks. Restore balance with intention.

6 Tips to Intentionally Break Your Energy Blockages and Restore Balance

What is your intention?

I know you are here to read about energy blocks and how to restore balance.  I promise, we are getting there.  

Right now, take a moment to think about your intention.

You might say, “Well that’s obvious.  There’s a reason I clicked on your article and started reading it”.  

But are you really here to break energy blockages?  Or are you here because your husband left the toilet seat up again even though you told him 100 times to put it down!  

Let’s make this time truly useful and well spent for you by being honest with ourselves.  

Again I ask: What is your intention?

It is no secret that many of us mindlessly walk through life.  

We hit the snooze button like zombies.  We go to work like zombies.  We chug away at our jobs like zombies.  We go home like zombies.  We watch television, scroll through social media, and eat dinner like zombies.  

Sometimes we feel like Frankenstein when our kids get on our last nerve or when the rent is due.  Then we go to bed and ask ourselves, “Is this all there is?”

What is your intention?  This is not a trivial question.  

The answer to this question will help empower your movements.  The answer to this question reveals the difference between surviving and thriving.  

And yes, answering this question will help break your energy blockages and restore your energetic balance so that you feel vital and alive!  

So if you are ready to stay with me, we will build your intention from the ground up. 

You are the Maestro!

Traditional Chinese Medicine is centered on Qi.  Qi is often described as a universal life force.  Everyone has Qi although it cannot be seen.  But studies have demonstrated it exists within our bodies.  

The philosophy of Traditional Chinese Medicine recognizes the need to direct Qi via the influence of Yi.  Yi is your mindful intention.  

Make no mistake, Qi does not need you to tell it what to do.  It flows throughout your body automatically.

So why bother creating the intention to direct your Qi?  

Think of an orchestra.  

I do not know much about orchestras and the way that they work.  

However I do know there are many people playing many different kinds of instruments.  I also know there is a maestro who guides the orchestra of people playing those instruments.  And of course, there is the composer who made the music they are playing.  

The orchestra is like Qi.  The people are extraordinarily talented and can certainly read the notes of music to play well together.  However they still need two things: the sheet music and the maestro.

The composer needed to create the music which the orchestra will bring to life!  

However life can get messy.  Just ask any single mother and they can tell you stories that will break your heart.  

Small things happen; the trombone is off key; the violin is too loud; the drum is off beat.  And before you realize it, the music sounds wrong.  

These people are certainly talented enough to self-correct.  But if each person is trying to self-correct, they may potentially make the situation worse.  They need intentional guidance.  

Enter the maestro to save the day!  

The maestro directs the orchestra.  He/She serves as a unifying director.  He/She is the leader everyone trusts when all else fails.  

The orchestra trusts the maestro to direct everyone in a way that brings the music to life and maintains the harmonious balance between all the individual components.  

The maestro sets the intention to maintain balance and harmony.  This is Yi.

The orchestra shares in that intention by following the maestro.  This is Qi.  

If someone is off-beat, they look to the maestro to regain the rhythm.  If someone is too loud, they look to the maestro to know if they should play softer.  

Together they bring the music to life with beauty! 

The Garage Sale of Intention

Setting your intention is not hard.

There is no secret knowledge.  You do not have to join the occult.  You do not have to spend countless hours in meditation in a far-away cave to find the answer; Unless you are so moved, then please do so at your own discretion.

The foundation of every intention is two-fold:

  1. Release what no longer serves you.
  2. Receive what will benefit you.

This process pays homage to what once served you well.  This process also respects the fact that what once served you may now serve someone else in their current season of life.

This process also helps us understand that new energy cannot come into our lives without first giving away the energy we expect to receive.  

We cycle and recycle energy amongst one another in a constant quest to improve ourselves.

Life is like a giant garage sale of energy.  

We appreciate what we have and realize it served its purpose in our lives.  Then we realize it may serve its purpose in someone else’s life.  

All energy has a home.  

Once you’ve given your energy to a new home, it’s time to go adopt fresh energy from the ultimate source with intention.

How to Set Your Intention

Setting your intention is simple.  

  1. Give thanks for all that you currently have; Especially for the “bad” things because they empowered your life (The first step is always the hardest).
  2. Appreciate your growth from the good and the bad experiences.
  3. Don’t sugar-coat it! The best intentions are the ones that are most honest from your heart.  
  4. Express gratitude from your heart and give thanks from your lips.  Mind, heart, and spoken word each express energetic power.  
  5. Release it; Like nurturing a dove to health and sending it back into the world.
  6. Believe the right opportunities will come to you.  Take action when they do.

Dr. Deepak Chopra has a beautiful 5-step path of how to set powerful intentions.  Please spend some time appreciating them.

Now You are Ready to Break Energy Blocks and Restore Balance

What is the most common reason an energy blockage occurs?

The answer is not hard to guess when you realize that depression and anxiety rates are on the rise (1).  

Emotions cause energy blockages because they get stuck.  

Do not get me wrong.  Emotions are wonderful!  

The problem occurs when they become stagnant like that unwelcome guest that just doesn’t know when to LEAVE ALREADY.  

Just think of your mother-in-law coming over; and if she dares to tell you how to raise your kids ONE MORE TIME!  

The irony is that we are bombarded with an onslaught of emotional baggage all day long.  But most of them roll off our shoulders.  

So on some level, the stuck emotion is a sign that we believe that aspect of ourselves.  In other words, the emotion found resonance with us and became attracted to us.  

You would not be offended by your mother-in-law’s “helpful” advice if you felt your parenting skills were top-notch.  You would have politely given her thanks, and moved on to the difficult task of actually taking care of your children.  

Restoring balance takes an indirect approach.  It takes intentional gratitude.  

With intention comes the ability to direct your Qi energy.  With aligned Qi comes an aligned life.  

Everything flows like a river from your mind and heart to your body and to your life.

6 Tips for Success

  1. Be specific with your intention, but don’t go overboard!
    1. The universe needs just enough information to realize what you want to draw into your life.  But this is a 50/50 effort.  
    2. Sometimes it will be 70/30, 20/80, 60/40.  The universe will meet you where you are willing to meet it.  You have to be willing to put in the work to meet it too.
    3. It is like a conversation with an old friend.  You talk together AND you do things together to have a great experience for both of you.  
  2. You will not get exactly what you want just because you set an intention.
    1. If you intend to make a wish and expect it to be granted, you’re probably better off finding a genie.  
    2. The universe will always serve you for your highest good.  
    3. It will not always serve what you want.  
  3. Let go of your intentions AND your expectations.
    1. You won’t always get what you want, exactly how you want it.  
    2. You won’t always get what you think you NEED, exactly how you think you need it.
    3. When you submit your intention to the universe, let your intention go.  But open your senses to the possibilities of responses.  
  4. Not everything is a sign from the Universe.
    1. Don’t run out and start a coffee shop just because you love coffee and a fortune cookie said, “You will have good fortune with your business endeavors.”
    2. That is mere coincidence.  
  5. Focus your thoughts AND focus your heart.
    1. Does it feel right AND does it make sense?
    2. Nothing comes to fruition without the combined power of the heart and the mind.  
    3. Visualize with your mind and experience with your heart to create attraction into your life.  
    4. Otherwise you just have wishful thinking or foolish hope.  
  6. Plant your seed and nurture it daily.
    1. Practice consistently, but not too much
    2. You will not be perfect.  You will be terrible.  That is OK.
    3. Practice every day to hone your skills.
    4. Practicing too much can send the Universe confusing messages.
    5. Set your intention as simple and clearly as possible

The Last Thing You Need to Know About Intention

Setting an intention is a combination of thought energy and heart energy that merge to create the world we experience.  

However keep in mind that you do not create the world around you under your own power.  You actually do not have infinite energy to create and maintain all that exists; not even your own body can be sustained without proper hydration and food.  

Instead, you are a channel.  You channel food and water to receive healing energy and pass on stagnate energy to be received by other living beings that find it healing.  

Similarly, you are a channel of universal energy of love.  You bring in love.  And when that love has served its purpose, you release it.  

Intention-setting is a practice of connecting with the infinite energy of your source.  

We must appreciate our role as conductors of energy; not providers.  

So we may attract goodness into our lives; release goodness that no longer serves us and can serve others.

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I would really appreciate any feedback as well as anything you would like me to write about int he future.


1. Goodwin RD, Weinberger AH, Kim JH, Wu M, Galea S. Trends in anxiety among adults in the United States, 2008-2018: Rapid increases among young adults. J Psychiatr Res. 2020 Nov;130:441-446. doi: 10.1016/j.jpsychires.2020.08.014. Epub 2020 Aug 21. PMID: 32905958; PMCID: PMC7441973.

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