Dominate Diabetes in 6 Months.

How to Dominate Diabetes in 6 Months or Less

Everybody with diabetes understands the pain and suffering of those god-awful needles!

You have to prick yourself to check your blood sugar levels. Then you have to prick yourself to inject medicine.

Living with diabetes can be an exhausting and frustrating experience.

What if I told you that there is a way to control and dominate diabetes in less than 6 months?

That sounds too good to be true.

This is not wishful thinking. I have seen it happen.

Trust me, it is possible to take control of diabetes and drastically improve your health.

I will not sugarcoat it (we don’t need the extra sugar). This is hard.

The people I saw accomplished this feat with dedication and a strong desire to make lifestyle changes.

If you are up for the challenge, continue to read for information you can use to speak with your doctor.

Warning: Do NOT change your medication regimen without your doctor’s approval. Only your doctor knows your unique medical history and can offer medical advice based on your personal medical needs. Always speak with your doctor before, during, and after you make a change. For more information, please read the Disclaimer and Terms and Conditions.

Find Your “Why”; Not Your “What”

This has been the latest buzz word; or perhaps buzz phrase.

Everyone wants to jump on a band-wagon called “Find Your Why”.

I think this is related to Simon Sinek’s compelling TED talk entitled, “Start with why — how great leaders inspire action”.

So why does controlling diabetes in 6 months sound so enticing?

Because we have a personal belief about ourselves.

Your belief’s might say:

  1. “I am the type of person who likes to have complete and total control over my diabetes management.”
  2. “I am a fighter. I never go down without a fight.”
  3. “My family is relying on me to protect and provide. I will not let my health get in the way of their well-being.”
  4. “I believe I have the tenacity and determination to do whatever it takes to be well.”
  5. “I believe that taking on this challenge with grace will set a positive example for my kids.”

Notice: none of these examples make any mention of cutting down on needles or medication or blood sugar or diabetes management in general.

Imagine if I said this:

  1. “I am the type of person who likes to have complete and total control over how many needles I use in my diabetes management.”
  2. “I am a fighter. I never go down without using fewer needles.”
  3. “My family is relying on me to protect and provide. I will cut down my insulin over 6 months.”
  4. “I believe I have the tenacity and determination to do whatever it takes to reduce my blood sugar levels.”
  5. “I believe that taking on this challenge with grace will set a positive example on how to reduce my need for medications.”

All of these sound ludicrous, absurd, and practically comical. Why is that?

Because as Simon pointed out, “People don’t buy WHAT you do, they buy WHY you do it.”

The same goes for yourself. You will not sell yourself and WHAT you’re going to do. You will sell yourself on WHY you’re going to do it.

Only then, WHAT you do will serve as proof for WHY you do it.

So, you want to control your diabetes. That is a WHAT. A WHAT is a great goal. But a WHAT does not drive you towards your goal.

Develop your WHY, and drive yourself forward.

Imagine Life if You Did Nothing At All

Guess what – You WILL fail.

At some point during your process, you will fail.

Life is messy. It never goes according to plan.

Sometimes you will mess up so bad that it’s easy to forget your WHY; to forget what you’re striving for.

It’s easy to go back to old habits and ignore the red flags.

In these times, you need to know what you should be afraid of.

You found your WHY; your driver; the thing you are running towards.

Now you need to think about what you should run away from.

Imagine a life where you do not follow up with the doctor regularly and you do not control your blood sugars.

Imagine the worst possible scenario. What does that look like?

The complications of uncontrolled diabetes include:

  1. Heart attacks
  2. Strokes
  3. Kidney failure
  4. Blindness
  5. Loss of limbs
  6. Erectile dysfunction

How many heart attacks did you get? Can you play with your kids without getting short of breath? How about even recognizing them after a stroke? What about missing family events because your kidneys failed and you have to go to dialysis 3 times a week for 3-4 hours each time? Can you make love to your spouse or significant other?

It is a miserable and grim life to lead. It could be worse. Explore that.

Most people do not realize how much diabetes can cost.

But it is my belief that people need to be aware of the good, the bad, and the ugly.

It is also my belief that people are hardwired to make a positive impact in their lives when they have completely contemplated all these scenarios.

It’s Not One-Size-Fits-All

Just because your father or brother or nephew or friend got their diabetes controlled in 6 months, does not mean you will too.

You must accept your journey for what it is:


You own it.

No one else.

Their journeys might look the same. They might walk along the same path with you for a little while.

But remember, they can only bare their own burdens. And you can only bare yours.

I told you – there is no extra sugar here. This will be hard.

Honor your journey.

When it gets hard,

  1. Remember your WHY
  2. Remember what you’re afraid of
  3. Remember that you have the ability to succeed

Dominate Diabetes with Mechanics

There is no magic here.

You already did the hard part.

You laid down a strong foundation by establishing your WHY and knowing how bad things can be if you do not embrace this challenge with gusto.

Now it’s time for the mechanics.

3-Pronged General Approach

There are 3 basic activities to focus our efforts. They are:

  1. Diet – The best way to get your diabetes in check, is to get your diet in check. No surprise here.
    1. Cut down on simple carbohydrates.
    2. Eat more vegetables for fiber.
    3. Eat more protein for sustenance.
    4. No snacking between meals.
  2. Exercise – The secret is in the timing.
    1. All you have to do is walk briskly for 30-45 minutes per day.
    2. For the greatest benefit, schedule your walk after dinner.
    3. Eating food will always spike your blood sugar. We can cap this spike by using those sugars immediately after consumption.
    4. This simple bio-hack will drastically drop your A1C in 3 months.
  3. Medication – Diet and exercise are your best controls. However your doctor may decide that medication is necessary. Be sure to understand:
    1. How each one works.
    2. How to take each medication.
    3. How many times to take each medication.
    4. Possible side effects.
    5. Possible reactions and what to do if you experience a reaction.

Step-by-Step Daily Habits

Build your habits slowly. They will ensure your success.

  1. Check blood glucose levels before breakfast.
  2. Record the reading in a log book.
  3. Eat breakfast.
  4. Record what you ate.
  5. Check blood glucose levels 1 hour after breakfast.
  6. Record the reading in a log book.
  7. Check blood glucose levels before lunch.
  8. Record the reading in a log book.
  9. Eat lunch.
  10. Record what you ate.
  11. Check blood glucose levels 1 hour after lunch.
  12. Record the reading in a log book.
  13. Check blood glucose levels before dinner.
  14. Record the reading in a log book.
  15. Eat dinner.
  16. Record what you ate.
  17. Check blood glucose levels 1 hour after dinner.
  18. Record the reading in a log book.

Insurance companies usually cover diabetic testing supplies so that you can test one time per day.

They allow testing up to 3-4 times per day if you need to take insulin. They allow a greater number of testing with insulin because people usually need to test their blood sugars before each meal of the day.

However if you really want to control diabetes in 6 months, you need important information.

You need to know how your body responds to the different foods you eat.

When you know how your body reacts to different foods, then you can make educated decisions about what foods to keep in your diet.

Take note of any readings less than 80. If you are experiencing symptoms of low blood sugar (hypoglycemia), then you need to speak with your doctor.

Step-by-Step Doctor Habits

  1. Set appointment every 3 months.
  2. Check A1C every 3 months.
  3. The goal of A1C is less than 7.0. This is considered “controlled”.
  4. If you are already less than 7.0, the goal of A1C is less than 6.5.
  5. Review and adjust your medications with your doctor.
  6. Discuss any episodes of low blood sugar.
    1. Talk about the blood sugar levels during the experiences
    2. Talk about how many times this has happened.
    3. Talk about the symptoms you experienced.
    4. Develop a clear plan with your doctor about what to do if this happens again.


It’s crucial to work with your doctor to develop a personalized plan that is tailored to your specific needs and goals.

But here’s the thing – your doctor cannot do it alone.

The buck stops with you.

You need to be an active participant in your own health.

That means taking ownership of your diabetes and making healthy choices every day.

It means eating a balanced diet, getting regular exercise, and monitoring your blood sugar levels closely.

It’s not going to be easy, but it is possible.

Honor your journey.

  1. Remember your WHY
  2. Remember what you’re afraid of
  3. Remember that you have the ability to succeed

With the right mindset, you can take control of your diabetes and live a healthier, happier life.

Just remember, do not change your medication regimen without your doctor’s approval.

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