
How to Choose Foods that Match Your Heart’s Vibration

If you want to know how to test your heart’s response right away, skip to the last section of this article.

A quick search about the energy a food provides will reveal nutrition facts. A list of carbohydrates, proteins, and fats contained in any food you can imagine. They will even include vitamins, minerals, and the number of calories. If you want to know more about nutrition facts and how to read them, check out this guide to nutrition facts.

But is that all food is?

Is food only molecules and chemicals to be ingested and integrated into our own molecular body?

If you have ever eaten something that made you feel vivacious versus eating another thing and felt like falling asleep, then you may intuitively know that not all food has the same effect.

People try to explain this phenomenon by pointing out the physical effects in the body.

But how does a combination of macro and micro nutrients in food make you feel alive after eating it?

Even stranger, how that food was prepared may affect how you feel after eating it. Was it raw? Steamed? Boiled? Baked? Fried? Sauteed? Blended into juice? Picked directly from your garden? That specific food still maintains its nutritional value to some extent. However each of these methods impacts your system differently. Not just by chemical means. But through metaphysical means as well.

There is something more to a food than molecules and chemicals. There is something greater than what meets the eye.

That something is Energy.

Life is Energy, Death is Absence of Energy

Most of us have learned (and perhaps forgotten) something in high school biology called ATP. ATP stands for adenosine triphosphate. You don’t have to remember the name. But we once learned that this molecule is the reason that our bodies and our cells have energy to function.

The bottom line is then postulated to our young minds: If there is no energy in the form of ATP, then there is no life.

ATP is the chemical aspect of energy and is a critical component of our existence on a cellular level. But what about the ethereal aspect of energy?

Our bodies are not just these physical entities that function like mechanical machines. There is at least a metaphysical body of which comprises and permeates our physical being.

Like the human body, food may have an ethereal body. An energetic existence that cannot always be seen with the naked eye. And yet it is a body that is an integral component to any being, living or not.

Semyon Kirlian invented a technique of photography now known as Kirlian photography. He seemed to have claimed that the images he produced could be capturing a glimpse of something similar to the human aura. I do not believe these images demonstrate the actual aura of food. But I do feel these thought-provoking images showed the energy field immediately surrounding a particular food. Kind of like how iron shavings form arching lines from the north to the south pole of a magnet.

These images inspired further studies which added to the growing body of evidence that indicates there is an energetic substance which surrounds food and other objects that most people cannot see with the naked eye.

Too often we think only of the nutrition our physical bodies require to sustain itself. So we tend to pay attention only to macros and micros.

But what about our metaphysical bodies? Our bodies that exist above the plain of physical existence? How do we nourish ourselves on the next level and simultaneously provide energy to our physical cells and energetic selves?

You can’t find nutrition facts on the food label for that component of your health. So we have to be in tune with more than just our physical 5 senses.

Your Heart’s Energy Field Envelopes Your Body

Your heart conducts electricity with specific micro nutrients called electrolytes. These electrolytes include minerals such as sodium, chloride, potassium, calcium, and magnesium.

When these minerals move in and out of the heart cell, this movement produces a kind of electrical current in the cell. When you have many cells doing this in harmony, you get a bigger current. And when there is any movement of electrical current, this produces a magnetic field. (Yet another thing we may have forgotten from high school physics)

This field can be detected by a device that doctors commonly use known as an electrocardiogram, also known as an EKG. The EKG can infer the electrical activity of the heart by picking up fluctuations in the field which is produced by the hearts electrical activity.

Electrodes are placed at specific points on the body because the machine is only sensitive enough to read this information on the surface of the skin. However this does not mean that the electromagnetic field of the heart stops at the skin. It extends well beyond the surface of the skin.

As a result, the field your heart produces can encompass the things and people around you. If you are curious to find out more, check out what the Heart Math Institute has to say about Energetic Communication. The things they discover about the heart is very intriguing!

Energetic Field of Food Entering the Energetic Field of Your Heart

You have feelings about food the same way you have feelings about people.

Different people sometimes give you a weird vibe but you just can’t figure out why. So you stay away from that individual.

Or you can feel like you’ve known a person forever even though you know that you just met!

Similarly, you have the ability to intuitively know what foods are right for you and which you should leave on the shelf. How is this possible?

Your heart’s field is in contact with people and the things around you even before you are consciously aware of them. This means that your heart is already gathering information from the space you are physically inhabiting at any moment. It is up to you to decide what information you want to consciously focus on.

So if you go to the grocery store, the information you want to focus on is food. Normally we gather information with our 5 senses about food.

Does the food look good or bad? Is the color attractive or has it browned? Does the aroma call to me? Or does it repulse me and make me run the other way? What are the ingredients? What are the nutrition facts? Is the texture right? Is the package broken? How many do I get for the price? How was it prepared? Is it organic? The list goes on.

But your heart only has one thing on its list of considerations. Ready for your heart’s question?

Here it is: Does my energy field harmonize with this food’s energy field? Or, Will this food’s energy field help me fortify my own field?

If it does, your heart will know. If it does not, your heart will definitely know.

So if you are just starting out, what’s the easiest way to open a dialogue with your heart and learn how it responds?

Test Your Pulse Before and After Eating Food

Your heart may react to a disturbance in its field in order to compensate.

On the physical level, your heart is constantly ensuring proper blood supply to all organs. To do this, it must compensate by either pumping blood more frequently or by pumping more blood with every beat.

With every beat comes a burst of blood flow on the physical level, and a burst of energy to the electromagnetic field your heart generates on a metaphysical level. So if your heart beats 72 times per minute on average, that equates to 72 regenerations of the heart’s field!

Your Heart as a sensory organ

If your heart produces this electromagnetic field 72 times per minute, and if an electromagnetic field can be influenced or modulated, then it would stand to reason that your heart’s energy field is a kind of extrasensory perception which extends beyond your physical body. Don’t see the logic? Let me explain it another way.

Your eyes can see a small spectrum of the electromagnetic field commonly known as light. The frequency ranges from 400nm to 700nm, which covers every color we are able to see in the world. Your ears can hear another piece of the electromagnetic spectrum ranging from 20 Hz to 20,000 Hz. We see and hear fluctuations in the electromagnetic spectrum on a daily basis and simply call it sight and sound.

While your eyes and ears can only receive information from the spectrum, your heart can generate its own field in this spectrum and detect any changes or fluctuations. This is not unlike the function of a radar being able to detect echos in order to determine the location of an object.

Similarly, your heart can sense electromagnetic disturbances in the field it generates. Your heart can sense disturbances in the surrounding field just as it can sense disturbances in blood supply. If your heart notices that it needs to pump harder or to pump more frequently to maintain the integrity of its electromagnetic field, then that’s what it will do.

How to know what your heart thinks about food

We can use this reaction as feedback to know how certain foods might affect our fields and our bodies.

We can use a small device called a pulse-oximeter. This device measures the oxygen levels in your blood as well as your heart rate. There are other devices that can measure your heart rate as well such as watches and other wearable technology. Their convenience allows you to check your heart rate more often.

However you do not need any device to measure your heart rate. You just need a practiced finger and a watch or clock to time how many heartbeats you count in 1 minute.

At first you need to test your heart rate throughout the day and create a log of your heart rate. Record the time of day, what you’ve been doing, who you’ve been with, and what you have eaten. These are just a few things that can cause your heart rate to fluctuate.

Create your log for about 1 week to figure out your average heart rate. Then you will know what a normal heart rate is for you.

If you know what a normal heart rate is for you, then you will instantly notice when your heart rate fluctuates.

Noticing this change can help you immediately evaluate what your heart is reacting to. Is it the food? What are you about to eat? Or what did you eat? Was it prepared differently? Were there other foods on your plate? Do you feel energetic or sluggish?

Take note of these changes and write them down. Soon you will learn what helps your heart strengthen and maintain its field, as well as what may be detrimental to its function.


Food is more than just a composition of molecules. Be mindful of how to feed your physical body as well as your ethereal body.

When the energetic field of food contacts the field your heart creates, you can get a sense of whether or not a food is compatible with the vibration of your hearts electromagnetic field.

To help you tune into what your heart thinks about specific foods, you can test your heart rate and keep a log of all foods that cause it to fluctuate.

Thank you for reading or listening!

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