Depression: Not the Life You are Meant to Lead

Depression seems inescapable. A feeling that truly crushes the spirit and somehow causes you to forget why you were placed on this Earth.

Why were you placed on this Earth? Is it to experience depression? Or perhaps anxiety?

The answer is No.

Nobody on this beautiful Earth was born onto it to be anything less than what we were truly meant to be.

We each have a gift to contribute during our time on this planet.

However many things happen over the course of a life that can discourage us from becoming who we are meant to be.

We allow ourselves to be convinced that this is it. There is nothing more. This is all there is.

But is that really true?

If so, how can others be happy? How were they allowed to come into their full expression in human existence?

But there’s the trick in psychology. They were not allowed. They allowed themselves.

The world is just as full of expectations, unfair circumstances, and anguish for every person on the planet.

We have only two options. Be governed by the world. Or be governed by our inner world.

Those who choose the former will always know what it feels like to never measure up. To always be behind. To disappoint others and to disappoint oneself.

Those who choose the latter will know hardship. However they will relish in it knowing that they are doing all they can and being all they can be.

Decide to be happy. But you don’t just randomly become happy by saying, “I’m happy” and plastering a smile on your face. History is full of people who have tried that strategy and failed.

If you decide to be happy, happiness is not actually the goal. The goal is setting a process in motion that will bring you to happiness.

That process is known as a consistent demonstration of gratitude.

Every day and even every moment if possible. Demonstrating gratitude and showing appreciation for all we have is the best path to happiness.

When grateful, our perspective shifts in the direction of our choosing.

When depressed, did we decide to be depressed? No.

We systematically chose to focus our perception on the lack in our lives. Over time, we became depressed.

But what if we can use that power of system to our advantage?

We can choose to systematically focus our perception on abundance by being grateful for what we have. Over time, we become happy.

But that’s hard. Really really hard! Or is it.

Was it really really hard to be focused on a lack in our lives? Was it hard to focus on several lacks in our lives?

Was it hard to be envious of our neighbor’s new car? Or someone else having lobster for dinner? Or wanting the latest model phone? New pair of shoes? The finest clothes? Exotic vacations every other week?

That wasn’t hard. It built up over the years. It started small. And if small, it’s easy. Easy enough to want what someone else has, but not a big deal if we didn’t get it.

A cookie. A toy. Over time becomes a 5 course meal at a Michelin star restaurant or the latest Apple iPhone.

Similarly, we can start small with gratitude.

The interesting thing is that the “smallest” things are not so small. They’re actually the grandest things we fail to appreciate.

The fact we wake in the morning. So small and easy to appreciate. But do you realize what a miracle it is to wake up in the morning? Many people, unfortunately did not have that luxury today. But you did.

What about your breath? So simple. Easily taken for granted. Easy to be grateful for. And yet, there are those of us that are immensely grateful for every breath. Why? Because they know that their next breath is not guaranteed.

People with COVID-19, or multiple myeloma, or cystic fibrosis are but a few examples of people who know the deep intrinsic value of a simple breath. Try to be as grateful as they.

You will begin to notice something with enough practice. Much of your gratitude will not be for material possessions. You will notice with time that true gratitude is richer based on the quality of your given life and relationships.

This quality is not dictated by material possessions. It is unraveled by your most basic existence on this world. Your connection with those around you. With loved ones. A richness of life can only be so based on the quality of relationships to yourself, to loved ones, to others, to our creator.

That said, do not delude yourself into believing that simply being grateful will pull you out of depression.

Depression is a medical problem with potentially serious consequences including suicidal ideation. If you are experiencing symptoms, please make an appointment with your Doctor or mental health professional as soon as possible. You may even call the National Suicide Helpline.

Why? Because you and everyone on this planet are meant to lead brilliant lives!

Seek attention. Work with your Doctor. Spend time appreciating your power to be grateful. And move forward in the life you were given.

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