Why Our Elderly Should be Among the First to Receive the Covid Vaccine

Why Our Elderly Should be Among the First to Receive the Covid Vaccine

CDC guidelines indicate that people over 75 years of age in Phase 1 B and the people between the ages of 65 to 74 in Phase 1 C should be among the first to receive the covid-19 vaccination. You can see the guidelines here. Why has this been an established guideline? These individuals are considered…

5 Tips on How to Get the Most Out of Your Doctor’s Visit

5 Tips on How to Get the Most Out of Your Doctor’s Visit

You sacrificed a lot to be here. Took time off work, which means you’re not making any money. Dropped the kids off, or maybe you needed to bring them along because no one was available to babysit. You haggled with your insurance company. You may not have had insurance for a long time and now…