Why it is Best for You to Measure Weight and Height

Why it is Best for You to Measure Weight and Height

Every visit to the Doctor’s office always includes 2 measurements. They measure your height and weight. We don’t even think about it or question the activity. We’ve known that “this is how it’s done” since our parents took us to the Doctor as children. And now the habit is ingrained within our minds. The height…

COVID-19 Vaccine and Myocarditis or Pericarditis

COVID-19 Vaccine and Myocarditis or Pericarditis

Well it happened. I am one of the 10.69 per 100,000 people in my age group that experienced myocarditis after receiving the mRNA COVID-19 vaccine. (1) It was surprising because I did not feel anything unexpected from the first dose. Shoulder pain at the site of injection, fever, body aches and head aches came and…

Colonoscopy: Doctor Recommended and What You Need to Know

Colonoscopy: Doctor Recommended and What You Need to Know

It seems like a practical joke that only Doctors seem to be “in” on. A colonoscopy is a procedure that involves snaking a long tube with a camera in through your back side. Not at all an enticing proposition! However screening is recommended at regular intervals for one reason: To find any possibility of cancer…

How Vitamin D Helps Protect You Against Covid-19

How Vitamin D Helps Protect You Against Covid-19

Since the outbreak of the current SARS CoV – 2 pandemic (aka Covid – 19), there has been a lot of ideas about certain nutritional supplements that can help combat the coronavirus. I would like to hone in on Vitamin D specifically in this article. Vitamin D is commonly known to increase calcium absorption to…