Titled, "The Truth about Fad Diets: Why They Fail and What to Do". There is a graphical image of a pill bottle in the middle with the word, "diet" on the label.

The Truth About Fad Diets: Why They Fail and What to Do Instead

Here’s the dirty little secret about fad diets: They work! You will get results.  What kind of results? That depends on your purpose. Sometimes you need a quick fix. Other times, you need a medically approved diet.  The FODMAP diet helps with SIBO and IBS.1 The ketogenic diet helped children with seizure disorders.2 Lorenzo’s oil…

Title, "Breaking Diet Plateaus: 6 Tips" with a graphical image of a woman carrying a basket of produce on the right and another woman wearing a white coat and pointing to a circular pie chart with different food groups on the left. There is a checklist in the middle.

Breaking Diet Plateaus: 6 Tips From a Wellness Coach

You can do everything right, and still hit a wall.  So what do you do?  Some people tweak their diets. Other people shake up their exercise program. There is also advice on sleeping well, managing stress, and maintaining hydration.  All these things are important to optimize body functions and create the conditions for better weight…

Title, "SMART Nutrition Goals in 2024" on the left with graphical image of a clipboard with a check marked list and a target on the right as well as three people with a light bulb overhead.

SMART Nutrition Goals: Transform Your Diet in 2024

Let’s get real for a moment: We tried SMART nutrition goals. It didn’t work.  We’ve heard all the advice there is about setting goals. Put your hands up if you’re confused! (Raising both my hands like I just don’t care. Oh! There’s the remote!) Here’s the thing: these pieces of advice do work. They work…

A title in the middle, "Mindful eating 101: 7 powerful techniques to transform your diet". there are four graphical depictions of various aspects of mindful eating techniques.

Mindful Eating Techniques 101: 7 Powerful Ways to Transform Your Diet

“As your assignment for this week’s mindful practice, I want you to be more aware of the food you eat. Take your time to pay attention to the sights, smells, taste, and feel of every bite.” I had joined a meditation group in medical school where the school psychologist guided our weekly practice. This would…

There is a graphical design of a person cyclically going through different phases of emotion on the left with the title, "Overcoming Emotional Eating" on the right.

Overcoming Emotional Eating: A Compassionate Journey to Self-Discovery in 2024

What does a fast food drive-thru, a pint of ice cream on the couch, a bag of chips in front of the TV, treats in the break room, and demolishing a box of cookies all have in common?  Answer: A hard day.  If it’s been a tough day, then these comfort foods provide us with…

4 steps to beating depression and anxiety

4 Steps to Beating Depression and Anxiety: It is Not All In Your Head

Having depression and anxiety is a tough undertaking. They insidiously invade every nook and cranny of your life. It’s as if you were unaware of their tentacles wrapping themselves around you. Once they squeeze just a little too tight, you feel triggered and escape seems impossible. This has been my experience. Others may feel differently….

6 powerful tips on how to use anger as your anchor

6 Powerful Tips: Your Anger is Your Anchor When the Storm Builds

“Fear is the path to the dark-side.  Fear leads to anger, anger leads to hate, hate leads to suffering” ~ Yoda Yoda was very wise.  However I would take his wisdom one step further. Fear leads to anger or calm.   Anger leads to hate or love. Hate leads to suffering or peace.   What Yoda described…