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Alternative Medicine

Once upon a time there was man who loved his wife dearly.

Every day, they would come home to each other’s smiles and laughter.

One day, she expressed concern for his health. He was not himself. So to put her mind at ease, he went to his doctor. He faithfully followed all the doctor’s advice, but he still felt physically and emotionally drained.

He felt unbalanced, and his wife agreed. So they decided to look into supplemental alternative treatment options.

They discovered Qigong, an ancient energy medicine practice from Traditional Chinese medicine. They decided to attend classes regularly. The more they practiced, the better they felt!

Until finally they felt a renewed sense of vitality, inner peace, and deeper intimacy towards one another. Even his doctor noticed significant improvement!

The laughter and smiles returned to their home and filled their lives with joy again!

The love of our heroes

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