A Physician that Prays

Would you want a physician that prays?  Does it matter to you?  When you shop around for the “best” doctor in his/her field, is their spirituality ever a factor in your search?

I have yet to find someone that found their physician on the basis of their spiritual proclivity.  People usually find a physician based on their technical skill, board certifications, years of experience in the field, and “Oh look! They also pray for their patients!” said no one EVER.

But why is that the case?  Does it have to be that way?  Research has shown that prayer can have a positive impact on recovery and healing.  So why does there seem to be no place for prayer in the field of medicine?

When it comes to Doctors and whether they pray, I personally find this characteristic valuable.  However I would never base a life or death decision on that factor alone.  Does that seem contradictory?  Allow me to explain my view.

The doctor is, in essence, a human being like you or I.  As a human being, he/she shares in this human experience we have on this planet.  Therefore we are all equal to one another.  I’m not saying we are the same, he/she is the doctor after all.  And we all have our attributes that makes each of us a truly unique individual.  However regardless of our knowledge, skill level, or any other standard of measure we use to imply specialization, we are all still simply different forms of the human existence.

Praying helps me understand that we are all united.  And it helps me begin to grasp the concept that you and I are not necessarily separate beings; but that we are literally united as a single being on another plane of existence that cannot be seen in this 3-dimensional world.

So if I have this sense of “Oneness”, I am more inclined to treat you as though I am treating myself.  I am more inclined to bring about healing that benefits BOTH you and me because to heal another brings about healing in the self.  The more one shares their intrinsic healing energy, the more they receive healing energy themselves.  Therefore the healing process is a shared experience that not only heals the patient but the healer as well!

On the simplest level, you and I are an extension of one another much like our arms and legs are an extension of our physical bodies.  To heal a scratch or cut on my hand is to heal myself as a whole.

So if a doctor appreciates this metaphysical connection to his/her fellow man, then the character of their care will reflect that and become “down to earth” or more “human”.  Kind of like how a nurse may treat his/her patients with gentleness and care, but then it takes on a whole new depth of compassion when they treat their own children.  Why does this phenomenon occur?  It’s not like the nurse cared less for their patients than their children.  But there is a closer and tighter bond between oneself and his/her children.  Why do we know this?  We can’t see it or touch it, hear it or taste it.  But we FEEL it.  So we know it’s there even though we cannot prove its existence in a tangible and physical manner.  At least that is my thought process.  Therefore I value a doctor and a nurse (as well as all other medical professionals) who takes time to pray.

So why wouldn’t I stake my life on prayer?  I should be more specific and say that I wouldn’t stake my mortality on it.  If I find myself in an emergency situation that places my body in immediate physical danger (ie: a bone-mangling accident, heart attack/stroke, anaphylactic shock, etc) I want a technically skilled doctor first and foremost!  Does this mean that I think surgeons and emergency room doctors don’t need spirituality or prayer?  No.  Does this mean that I think their patients could not benefit from their prayers?  No.  But in emergent situations such as these, I will leave the prayer to my family so they can spiritually empower the doctor’s skill and my body’s innate ability to heal.  All these factors coalesce and conspire to bring about my recovery from immediate danger to the best of everybody’s ability!

That said, any doctor instantly earns my respect for his/her dedication and skill.  However any doctor that prays instantly receives my grace (regardless of my conscious awareness).  In my opinion, prayer is an important quality in a physician that demonstrates an appreciation for the holistic human existence we share with one another on the physical plane as well as the metaphysical planes.  Why?  Because our connection to one another is not readily apparent to the physical senses that a technically skilled doctor must rely upon.  Unless the doctor is already aware of the healing energy of prayer, there is no class called “Pray to Heal 101” in medical school.

Furthermore, I feel that a praying doctor understands that prayer and science are NOT at odds with one another.  A doctor that prays understands and appreciates the value and power of prayer to heal his/her patients just as much as medical management.  Therefore a doctor that prays realizes that prayer can be integrated and used in combination with the latest technical advancements!  There must be a fluidity and an intricate entanglement of prayer and medicine to bring about the health and well-being of our fellow man!

“So how do I pray?”  I posed this question to a friend with years of experience in their own faith.  After asking his priest, the answer was surprisingly simple.  “Just start praying.”

I was confused.  I was raised to think that every prayer should follow a certain form.  That there were rules I had to follow in order to make a prayer “count”.  However I’ve come to realize that this is a fallacy.

Simply start praying.  Do not worry about form or structure.  Don’t worry if your hands are crossed exactly the right way.  Do not worry if you are kneeling, sitting, or standing.  It doesn’t matter how long it’s been since your last prayer.  Or if you haven’t led the most pious life.  Do not worry if you are in a place of worship or at work or at home.  You don’t have to worry or think about what you might say.  You don’t actually have to say anything at all!  The only thing that matters is that you take the time to open a dialogue to the universal Creator.

This dialogue need not use words.  Just allow yourself to be available to the Creator.  Much like being available to friends and family all across the country or the world by carrying a phone.  Do you honestly worry about how you hold your phone when someone calls?  No.  You just pick it up!  Do you think about how to structure your sentences?  No.  You just talk!  We needn’t complicate prayer just because we’re talking to the Almighty.  Simply keep your phone handy and listen for the ring tone.  The only “trick” is to realize that no device is required to connect other than your mind.  And the ringtone will be subtle happenings that occur in everyday life that most people ignore because they cannot explain what happened.

Simply put, be open and willing to receive.  You will intuitively know how to pray by feeling what is right for you!

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