Have you tried and failed a million times?

Remember your determination.

Are you tired of trying and just want to quit?

Remember your tenacity.

Do you feel alone in your struggles and they still multiply?

Remember your purpose.

Trouble remembering?

I can help.

Work Privately with Sami.

This is for you if:

  • You believe that you are the expert of your own life.
  • You want to nurture your best self.
  • You believe that you can harness your personal power from within and seek guidance towards it.
  • You believe adversities are opportunities for personal growth.
  • You believe that slow and steady wins the race.

This is not for you if:

  • You do not work closely with your primary care provider.
  • You want to fix what is broken.
  • You believe that you are powerless to help yourself.
  • You believe that adversities are roadblocks which cannot be overcome.
  • You want quick and fast results.

Are we still on the same page?

Let’s take it one step further.

Frequently Asked Questions

Are We the Right Fit?

Answer: A partnership built on trust, confidence, and adaptability.

Trust: You and I must trust that we are sincerely working towards your well-being.

Confidence: We both establish a safe space to explore all possibilities to find the best options for you.

Adaptability: Examining failure leads to growth and development.

We will build a relationship together and create a map to reach your goals, offering support and accountability every step of the way.

Answer: Health and wellness coaches are experts in establishing relationships.

You and I will work together to identify your unique values, strengths, and desires to help you take action and forge lasting change.

Answer: Medicine uses a problem-focused mindset. We identify what is broken, then fix it. This is a valuable skill set with many applications.

Coaching uses a strength-based approach. We identify your unique values and resilience in difficulty, then explore solutions and instill hope.

For example: You have diabetes

  1. Medical approach: Let’s control that diabetes with lifestyle changes and/or medication.
  2. Coaching approach: Let’s figure out your strengths and coping strategies to see what led to diabetes and maximize your success.

The balance of both philosophies provides holistic health and well being.

Answer: Stress leads to poor sleep which leads to poor diet and exercise habits which leads to weight gain which leads to chronic diseases like high blood pressure and diabetes which leads to more stress.

All these aspects are interconnected. We will identify and address your needs to restore your vitality.

Answer: Think of your health as a valuable treasure. You want someone highly skilled to help you protect it. I trained at the Mayo Clinic, a renowned institution, ensuring I have top-notch expertise.

Answer: Picture sitting down with a trusted friend who listens intently and understands your struggles. My coaching sessions are like that, but with expert guidance. We’ll chat about your current health, set goals, and craft a personalized plan to overcome obstacles, ensuring each session leaves you feeling empowered and motivated.

Answer: Sessions are offered via phone or video call from the comfort of your home. I’m here to support you in the way that works best for you.

Answer: I find that 45 minutes, once per week, for at least 6 weeks will give us ample time to dive deep into your progress and challenges. We can start with weekly sessions to build momentum and then adjust the frequency as you achieve your goals.

Answer: The first step is ALWAYS the hardest. I won’t let you do it alone.

To get started, book a risk-free consultation below.

We’ll take the first steps together by discussing your goals, your expectations, and what you hope to gain from our alliance.

Your journey to wellness begins with this simple first step.

A portrait of myself, Dr. Sami Daniel, sitting outside with a lake and trees in the background.

Tell Me More About You

Schedule a RISK-FREE discovery call to see if we’re the right fit.